
超过26个,000只老鹰在纽约市, the chapter hosts over 10 Events in a typical calendar year: gathering around BC gamewatches at bars around the city, catching the annual Sox vs Yankees game, 哈德逊河上的社交活动, 还有更多!






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纽约市 Chapter 脸谱网 Page

纽约市 Chapter Instagram Page




James Lizzul '09

住在: 中城

主要: Majors: Finance, Marketing / Minor: Music

职业: 金融-股票电子游戏正规平台

最喜欢的BC记忆: Everything about Commencement Ball: the tradition of getting trolleys and taking photos in 波士顿 Common, 球, all the camaraderie throughout...everything except the knowledge that I'd soon be leaving BC. 

Why did you get involved in your local chapter?: I missed BC since before I left and wanted to stay as close to it as possible - BCNYC's Chapter Events soon became my lifeline back to BC, both growing old friendships and serving as a launchpad for many new ones. I started volunteering to make sure that tradition carries on for NYC 鹰s. 

What are your local favorites in your city?: 杜威酒吧算吗? (That's where we host our game watches). Aside from that I'd have to say I'm a big fan of spending time on rooftops. 

有趣的事实: 我中了BC省的住房彩票...种. My group was pick #5 for Senior year. I also still have my original Superfan shirt but these days only wear it for very important games. Don't worry, I've got newer ones from 5 year and 10 year reunions.

纽约市 Chapter Leader Hannah Cho


住在: 纽约

主要: 专业:通信

职业: Advertising/Marketing/Communications

最喜欢的BC记忆: 很难只选一个. A handful equally tops the list, 包括大四, 我认为哪个长, great memory--from the countless celebrations to that massive crowd run on the football field after winning our last home game, 这样的例子不胜枚举.

Why did you get involved in your local chapter?: ​​I got involved fairly early--as an undergrad who wanted to help provide students with more and better opportunities to connect with alumni. So I reached out to the 纽约市 Chapter and found myself helping to develop a multi-event opportunity for students to learn, 招聘校友, 每个人都要联系. It was a fantastic experience and an early confirmation for me of how strong and welcoming our network can be.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!: I had a cameo on Nickelodeon when I was a kid, and I have somehow accidentally walked onto multiple sets during tv show filmings ever since.

What are your local favorites in your city?: There’s always something to do or a fantastic new spot to check out so they’re constantly changing. It also depends on where you are in the city. Dewey’s Pub in midtown is always great for BC NYC game watches. Spyglass inside the Archer Hotel (also midtown) and the Wallflower in the West Village are great go-to’s for drinks. Then there’s Central Park and the High Line for walks, the various art galleries and museums, 百老汇和芭蕾舞表演, 我可以继续.

Is there anything you would like to highlight?: 从我记事起, the various Leadership人 of the 纽约市 Chapter have made this a welcoming and open one. I think it's incredibly important and a tone we strive to continue.

纽约市 Chapter Leader Megan Clarke


住在: 默里希尔

专业:专业: Communications/Minor: General Education

职业: Events服务

最喜欢的BC记忆: There are too many to choose from! During my senior year on the night of the Red Bandana game (against ranked USC) I happened to enter the stadium at the same time as Welles Crowther's mother, 埃里森, and had the opportunity to thank her for being such an inspiration in sharing Welles' story and continuing on his legacy. As the daughter of a retired FDNY firefighter, I really appreciated her kind words. And then we went on to win the game and storm the field!
也, winning the hockey national championship my freshman year, attending the Beanpot tournament and cheering on the runners on Marathon Monday were also great memories. 

Why did you get involved in your local chapter?: Getting involved with the NYC Chapter was one of the best decisions I made post-graduation. Most of my friends in college settled in different cities and I wanted to have the same sense of BC community in NYC. By getting involved with the NYC Chapter, I have met some of my best friends and graduates from a wide range of class years who I would have never encountered during my time at BC.

What are your local favorites in your city?: 杜威酒吧算吗? (That's where we host our game watches). 桶酒吧 & Kitchen and Tara Rose both in 默里希尔/Kips Bay are great restaurants! 百吉饼 & Schmear is my go-to bagel spot. Aside from that I'd have to say I'm a big fan of spending time on rooftops.

有趣的事实: I studied abroad in Florence during the spring semester of my junior year.



Name: Vincenza巴塞洛缪 MEd '18

联系人: bartholv@aaay5.com

